This was the place to checkout the largest collection of old stuff (junk?) that we've ever seen in one place. As we approached the town, the country road was lined with solid rows of people with tables full of stuff for at least 1 km. And then the street of the town we walked up for about 500 meters was lined on both sides and we didn't make it to the end. Kay and Linda found matching earrings from the artist and put them on immediately.
After about an hour, we try to get a coffee at the one cafe on the street, but there was nowhere to sit, so we moved on down the road to Bevagna. It was crowded. Later we found out there was voting going on.
Through a gate in the town wall and we find an osteria to eat lunch.

A light lunch with some beer for the boys and wine for the girls.

And some interesting artwork on the cafe's wall.

Afterwards, we walk around the town taking pictures of neat streets and looking for some old Roman baths.

We walk up and down several streets and into a small church. A woman we meet near the church wants to tell us things about the church, we think. We listen attentively and smile. We stop for a coffee and ask directions to the baths. Then after following those instructions we ask again and get new instructions. Bottom line: we failed, didn't find them.
Later in the afternoon, Janise held her "Critique" of all the paintings. Here are some of them.
Then after that, we had a potluck meal or what the southerners call a "pitch in".
Jerry cooked two rabbits to contribute to the meal. Ted tried his hand at making the eggplant dish we learned how to make at the cooking class. We contributed leeks and potatoes and a chard, onion, garlic, and bacon dish. The bacon was contributed by one of the group.

And then sunset and to bed.
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