Linda got me out of bed to go for a walk. She wanted to get our walk in before the rains came. We get rain almost every afternoon.
We headed down a trail we walked a few days before, but came back on the other side of the creek.

There we find some path clearing and we sit down to watch a guy with a miniature front loader move some boulders. Its what every boy would want.

A little further down the trail and we find these statutes carved out of the local wood. Gnomes, fairies, an eagle, a bear, and other animals.
Check out the guy on the bench in the background.

We don't have the slightest idea why these figures are here, but they enhance a picnic area and I'm sure children like them.
When we first look at this tree, it looked like water was coming out of it instead of maple syrup. Once we got closer, we can see the water coming out of a pipe instead of the tree, probably directly from the stream. We see these water fountains all over town.

As we near the resort, we pass these residences. It makes us think of homes we have seen in Switzerland. We should not be surprised since we are very close to the Swiss Alps.

Note the grass on the roof. This is the only one we have seen.
Lunch was leftovers. We spent most of the afternoon in the apartment waiting until 4:00 when the grocery store opens. We walked over and bought some meat and got rained on. After returning, we treated ourselves to a drink and snacks.
That was our uneventful day. Tomorrow, we expect to ride a lift to a golf course.
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