We wake up to beautiful roses outside our bedroom window.

Most stores are closed on Sunday. The grocery stores open at 12:00 and we need to stock the kitchen. First, I want to make sure the battery is ok in the car. We take a little drive to charge the battery. Linda is in the mood for a hamburger. That means we drive about 10 minutes down the road to a log cabin in the woods near La Vuursche (sp?). Its cold, wet, and the inside is full. Back in the car, we come back to Soest and eat lunch at the Proef, one of our favorite places on the main street. We know Sean, the head chef, but he's not working today. Our waitress, Beau, is cute, personable, and speaks English. We talk about traveling and Italy where she spends two weeks a year.
We still have Italian in our heads and when we ask for espresso we use Italian words, but Beau grins and understands.
With full bellies, we do our grocery shopping and drive "home".
Its too wet to cut the grass or for Linda to work in the garden. Later Noor from next door shows up. Her English has greatly improved just from May. She tells us her piano recital will be on Friday. Then she and Linda play on the iPad and Noor creates some artwork.

Mom, Liesbeth, comes over after awhile and we catch up on what their family is doing, our Italian trip, and both of our schedules for the rest of the summer. They will be driving to southern France about the time we leave for England and maybe visit Disney.
A drink and a salad is dinner. Linda is very clever in making different dishes using what is available. The salad is cooked greens, mushrooms, onions, and tomatoes with a little olive oil and vinegar.
Since we are in Holland, there are some English language TV stations available and we were able to watch CNN snd BBC News to catch up on world events and especially the fall-out from Brexit.
On Netflix, we watched Ali Wong perform a standup comedy routine. My sister had told us about her. Ali also writes for the Just off the Boat TV series. She's 7 months pregnant and uses that fact in her jokes.
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