Friday, July 15, 2016

July 14:

Last year we found a reflexologist over in the south part of town and we used her in May and then made an appointment for today. We started our walk over there by having lunch at the Proef, sitting outside, and watching people buy things at the weekly market set up in the street. 

I love the roast beef sandwich on gluten-free bread. Its what I order every time. Linda had a salad with tunafish. 

This sign is announcing that they have herring. Its the season.

And this guy is filleting the herring.

Then we walked over using some side streets that Linda discovered the day before with Hans and Jose.

There are always interesting looking houses along our walks. This one is very different from the rest in the neighborhood and I thought it looked a little French, napoleonic style.

I thought this house, or maybe it was a restaurant or inn, was interesting. The roof is thatch but it has skylights - blending the old and the new.

And animals - this one reminded us of Wilma: one of Gretchen's cats.

This is our reflexologist. Her name is Marjoleine.

After my appointment, we waited for our bus by having a coffee and a tea and playing with our selfie-stick.

I drove Linda back for her later appointment and waited for her. The woman told her an horrific story of her being ill about 20 years ago and being sent home to die because the doctors could not diagnose her lung problem. She was able to find an alternative practitioner between Soest and Utrecht who treated her with "color therapy" several times a week and she is still with us. Weird, we had never even heard of color therapy.

Linda made a barter deal and will return tomorrow to work on her feet.

We got back to the house just in time to heat the leftover chili, make a salad and guacamole and some nachos for our guests: Floor and, her friend Robin. Both are servers at de Lindenhof. We had met Floor in May when Ray and Deb were visiting. She was very outgoing and made a hit. 

We had invited Liesbeth and Peter and the kids for some chili too, but since Duco still had a fever, they deferred, but came over later to say goodbye. They stayed for a glass of wine and some of the leftovers of the leftovers. We brought in more chairs and had a little party. Liesbeth and Peter leave tomorrow for a three week road trip through France. Hopefully, we will see them when we return for two days in early August.

This will be my last blog for this trip. We leave on Saturday for England and then France. I don't expect to be near any hotspots and I'm leaving this laptop here in Soest until we return. So, its bye-bye for now. I hope you've enjoyed these little chats.

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