Some preparation was done the night before: forming the six pounds of hamburger into large meatballs. Then most of today was spent cooking, mixing, and adding special spices that they brought with them. The meatballs were cooked in a skillet to brown it and then boiled to have it stick together so when pulled apart to be added to the chili sauce it comes out in clumps and seems more like a better cut of meat. Then there is simmering and resting and then, finally, reheating.

Janie also brought special blue corn tortillas from a Mexican grocery store near Washington, D.C. She cut them in triangles, added a mixture of cheeses with a ripe olive on top and put them in the oven. This was the appetizer.
Before serving, Janie gave instructions on how to load the bowl: start with the spaghetti, add the chili, then brown beans, chopped onions and grated cheese. This is the way they were taught in Texas

Linda made her guacamole to be added wherever someone needed.
We invited all of the Dutch people we know: Hans and Jose; Andi and Margaret; and Peter and Liesbeth and the kids. Everyone came except Duco who had a fever. It all went over great: everyone had seconds and Hans had thirds.

It was a lot of work for Janie and Dan, but it impressed the neighbors and Linda and I, who knew it would be fabulous. Everyone went to bed full and happy.
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