Peter and Liesbeth invited us over for wine in the garden afterwards. We took gifts for the kids and had snacks with the wine.

The gift that we brought Duco was a set of marbles representing the "near" solar system. We all had a hard time determining which represented which planets, except for Earth, the moon, and Mars. Mars was red and Earth had continents.
Later, we walked up the hill to a park that was hosting a carnival. Looked very much like an American one. The first thing we saw was this 90 meter tall tower that lifted about 20 people to the top and then dropped them in a free fall. Oh the thrill.

Bumper cars are a must at any carnival.

After walking around most of the carnival I told Linda I thought the difference between this and a normal one in the States was that we would have many more places to eat. Then, she said let's walk around the backside and low and behold, eateries.

These guys on the right looked like cream puffs and I bet they were filled with vanilla cream.
There was even one place that was set up like a restaurant. So, the Dutch like to eat too. At least sweets. We also saw a cotton candy and popcorn vendor.

We like the Grace and Frankie show on Netflex and it has started its second season. We watched the first two episodes of the new season on the computer and then hit the bed.
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