This town was much larger and busier than yesterday's destination. The main square contained three cafes, a grocery store and clothing and jewelry shops. There was also a street that could be called "main" with additional cafes and shops for tourists.

I have a story about using the public toilet, but you don't want to hear it. Let me just say that I had to buy some toilet paper.

On our way down the main street for lunch, we pass this wine store with this vehicle outside.

Lunch was at a pizza cafe that had burgers and traditional Italian dishes too. Linda had this burger with a cold piece of grilled eggplant on it. I had a scaloppini and there were carafes of red and white wine on the table.
As an appetizer, they served a plate heaped with freshly fried potato chips - greasy with olive oil but good. We asked for more.

At the end of the meal, we were served a complimentary frozen lemoncello drink with something added. Everyone left happy.

The afternoon was much like the morning except hotter. I had my afternoon espresso, read some, and chatted with a couple of the Sherpas.
Linda and I had driven by ourselves, so we headed out to find a health food store she thought she had found on the web. Louisa (Tom-Tom GPS) eventually got us to the village (Foligno) and Linda, by intuition, got us to the store itself. The store turned out to be a body building oriented place and not at all what she wanted.
Next we needed to buy some groceries for our contribution to the potluck dinner that had been scheduled. After a few turns, we decided to head back to the apartment and get some maps and get oriented. When we first arrived, we were told not to be afraid to get lost. And so, fearlessly, we ventured out in the opposite direction from where we usually turn and after driving up and down the road and complaining about how the maps were drawn by Untours, we found a small grocery store that had everything we needed. A few blocks away, we found a farmacia that contained some potions for two of our sick friends.
The potluck was held out in the grassy area between the buildings.
Our contribution was cooked cabbage and onions and a big can of potato chips. Fifteen of us contributed quite a variety of food from salads, to spaghetti with sausage, to deviled eggs. All of that along with some vodka, bourbon, and wine completed our feast. It reminded me of those scenes in movies where the large Italian family is eating outside on a picnic table and having a really good time. Yes, we did.