That was about it. I went for a walk this afternoon to see the chickens at the farm a few blocks away and watched a lot of Netflix. I have rediscovered House of Cards with Kevin Spacey. Its all about Washington, D.C. Pretty good.
Friday - Another slow day - I don't have anything planned. That's a nice thing for a few days, but I'm getting a little tired of this and ready for my wife to return. Still a few days to go.
I thought I might go for a bike ride. I even put on shorts. But, it never got quite warm enough, so, that didn't happen.
On my BBC2 history program, they are in Norwich, just north of Cambridgeshire, and the home of Coleman's mustard. I grew up with Coleman's dry mustard that you had to mix with water to make a paste for dressing pork chops. I can't remember using it for anything else. On the program, the guide, Michael Portillo, is told that the ready-mixed product in jars was only made available in the 1960's. Wow!! that dates you. But, maybe I'm old fashioned, I still like the powdered version and you can still get it. Yes, I am old-fashioned.
Chantal and Linda on the sofa. Chantal was born on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean and worked as a translator, among other things, in Washington, D.C. She used to spend some of the year at her condo at Riverside where ours is. Now she spends all of her time in France near her children.
Lunch on the French Rivera with Joy, Linda, and Chantal. This is called living. Yeah for them.